I also ran into this problem, and it was truly vexing. I was trying to
to an XML file (dynamically generated by PHP), and the server didn't
that so no POST vars were being received. Very glad I stumbled across
post, since otherwise I'd probably be hacking together a GET version
using the ajax call with a success function or some other difficult
like that right now.

On Aug 18, 5:15 pm, Stephan Beal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One of the negative side-effects is, however, thatPOSTisnot
> configured consistently across servers. For example, i had the example
> same problem as the OP... i was trying to load() an HTML file and it
> worked onmylocal system. When, however, i uploaded it tomyhoster
> the code suddenly failed.FirebugrevealedthatPOSTwaserroringout
> onmyhosterbecausePOSTwasnotallowedfor HTML files on that
> server. So i had to rework the code to use get(). i remember trying to
> set GET as the default ajax behaviour and that load() ignored that.

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