On Sep 27, 2007, at 8:28 PM, Robert Koberg wrote:


I am new to jquery. Haven't had any problems that couldn't be solved by the docs or a search. I am amazed that an ass/troll/clueless individual
gets so much play.


Hi Rob,

I appreciate your concern. I think part of the problem (at least for me) was that the original post came through to my email client with a time stamp that made it look like nobody had answered him after a few hours (Google Groups has a way of doing that). So, I figured if nobody else was going to reply, I might as well give it a shot. Then came the flood of replies. I suspect that most people who replied didn't see the replies of others before doing so. Also, obnoxious tone aside, it was a really easy question to answer. When I'm at work during the day, I only have so much time in between my paid responsibilities to look at the list and answer questions. If one looks like low-hanging fruit, I'll try to pluck it.

Karl Swedberg

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