Just a follow up... using browserCam, I was just looking at the page
above using  Safari 2.0.
Indeed, the first 'next' button throws up a blank screen... but if I
resize the window, the actual second page of the form appears again.
Strange. The fact that simply changing the browser window size makes
the form visible makes me think I should be able to trigger
some other browser property to do the same.

any ideas?

On Oct 1, 8:49 pm, MichaelEvangelista <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (cross post with UI Group - are same members are in both?)
> Hi group -
> I've built a set of pages on this site, creating multi-step forms
> using Joern's accordion plugin
> (http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-accordion/)
> Everything's working great - except in Safari, where it falls apart,
> with the second panel not displaying, leaving the user with a blank
> page
> Seehttp://www.comparemyagent.com/fa/fa_sell.cfmfor example form
> A few questions for the jquery world at large...
> - have any of you been able to overcome safari problems with functions
> like this?
> - assuming I cannot get this fixed, how reliable is the jquery browser
> detection function?
> - if this were your site, how would you attempt a workaround for
> safari?
> I am considering replacing the jquery accordion with stacked
> fieldsets, where the next/back buttons
> validate each section and then scroll you down the page to an anchor
> link,  ( or using the scroller plugin)
> I'd love to talk to others who have built nifty whiz-bang jquery
> functions, and then had to create alternate versions for different
> browsers.
> Thanks for any and all feedback

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