
Nice plugin.  I'm hoping to make use of it very soon.  I'm having trouble
with the demo (both on bassistance and on jquery docs).  Collapse All /
Expand All / Toggle All seems to work, but clicking the +/- does not.
Firebug reports no errors.  It renders poorly on IE.

Tested: FF2/Mac, Safari2/Mac, IE6/Win, IE7/Win


On 10/2/07, Jörn Zaefferer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Good news everyone! The treeview plugin version 1.3 is out, giving you
> an even better tool at hand to display and navigate your trees.
> Plugin page(s): http://jquery.com/plugins/project/treeview &
> http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-treeview/
> Demos: http://jquery.bassistance.de/treeview/
> - Fixes for all outstanding bugs
> - Added persistence features
> - location based: click on a link in the treeview and reopen that link
> after the page loaded
> - cookie based: save the state of the tree in a cookie on each click and
> load that on reload
> - smoothed animations, fixing flickering in both IE and Opera
> - Tested in Firefox 2, IE 6 & 7, Opera 9, Safari 3
> - Requires jQuery 1.2+
> In addition, the documentation has been rewritten and is now hosted on
> the jQuery documentation wiki:
> http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Treeview/treeview
> Have fun
> Jörn

Scott Trudeau
scott.trudeau AT gmail DOT com
AIM: sodthestreets

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