Guy Fraser schrieb:
Jörn Zaefferer wrote:
If you need keyboard navigation, async loading and d&d and similar stuff you need to either wait for the UI tree component or take a look at Ext's tree components. I don't plan to extend this plugin in them mentioned direction: I want to keep it leightweight, providing unobtrusive navigation enhancements.

Keyboard control would be the main one I guess, just for accessibility compliance and usability.
The trouble here: How do I know that the tree has focus, and should receive keyboard events? I'd need to implement some sort of "selectable" first, before I could add keyboard navigation. On the other hand, I'll think about using UI's selectables to write another plugin on top of the current treeview. That way the treeview plugin can stay as leightweight as it is.
Another thing that would be useful is if root nodes didn't have the bit of "connector line" showing above their +/- box...
That shouldn't be too hard :-)

-- Jörn

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