What do you mean by collapsible ? sounds like an accordion to me...

Superfish is an improved version of suckerfish. Suckerfish makes
pure css menu "compatible" with IE.
Pseudo-classes like :hover are only possible on "a" elements in IE.
Pure css menus require :hover to be possible on li elements. For IE, Suckerfish attaches by javascript a css class named sfHover to the lis using onmouseover
and removes it with onmouseout.

Try to look at Suckerfish/Superfish menu in FF with js disable and you will see that it is still working.

AFAIK there is no ":click" pseudo-class in css. Altough it may be sometimes useful (clients and PM often want that kind of last minutes changes), it seems to be deviant from the suckerfish "spirit" to try to use it on click.

But maybe you actually just need something like that :
(assuming your menu has the class "nav")

           $("ul.nav li").each(function(){
); });


Ryura wrote:
Hello again,

We've decided we wish to do a collapsible menu (on click) with
Superfish instead of the general drop down onmouseover. Is this
possible with Superfish or should I look into getting another plugin?
If it is possible, how would I go about doing it?


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