Thanks a ton, Joel!

On Oct 6, 10:45 pm, "Joel Birch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 10/7/07, Ryura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > What I'm asking is if I can do a menu like sample 2 using superfish.
> Hi Ryura,
> Sorry for the slow reply. Superfish does not handle this type of menu,
>  but fortunately there is a plugin that does exactly this and it is
> well maintained and feature-rich. It's the Accordion plugin by Jörn
> Zaefferer and Frank Marcia. The page to get the plugin is 
> here:
> Have a look at the demos here, and notice that using click as the
> event is an option:
> I have lost track of whether this is the most up to date version of
> the plugin. The one in the UI collection is probably newer.
> Good luck.
> Joel Birch

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