Smashing plugin, very thorough work!

We highly consider using it on the major pages of a large (500 PI/
second) site! It adds both functionality and coolness.

If I could make a few suggestions:

1) Make the text "Image" and "of" configurable. That way we won't have
to edit your plugin if ut's upgraded.
2) Untie the showing of the next-prev-navigation from the showing of
the caption. Now if there is no caption (title attribute) the nav
links wont be triggered at all.
3) Would you consider making the transitions configurable, at least
the speed? Although it's extremely cool, in a lot of everyday
situations immediate response would be desireable.

I believe this plugin is, and has the potential to be both very useful
AND cool at the same time.

In my case (the result pages for a major classifieds site) I have the
need to add a second attribute to the outer a tag, i.e. the rel
attribute, to give the user the possibility to go directly to a detail
page about the item he/she is watching. I'd present this link next to
the caption below, or perhaps as a href around the caption. It would
be a tall order to hand to you, but perhaps you would consider it?
Say, if the rel attribute is present, wrap it around the caption as an
<a href="[rel]">[caption]</a>.

I'm happy to help with the implementation, but it isn't exactly rocket
science, and I guess you'll have it done in no time.

Best regards and thank you for a great plugin,
Erlend Schei :)

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