I tried to use

$('#gallery a').lightBox({
'imageBtnPrev' : 'images/image-prev.gif',
'imageBtnNext' : 'images/image-next.gif'

But the "imageLoading"-image became empty. I had to put the default image into 
the configuration to 
make it visible again.

Like this:

$('#gallery a').lightBox({
  'imageBtnPrev' : 'images/image-prev.gif',
  'imageBtnNext' : 'images/image-next.gif',
  'imageLoading' : 'images/image-loading.gif'

Leandro Vieira Pinho wrote:
> Hi Kia,
> You donĀ“t need to inform all parameters. Just what you want to use.
> The others default values will be keeped.

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