Thanks Mike for the explanation.

Now it´s more clear to me.

Do you know some referente about it?


On Oct 11, 3:19 pm, "Michael Geary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > From: Leandro Vieira Pinho
> > Since jQuery 1.1.4 the code library begins with that:
> > (function(){
> > ...
> > })();
> > I would like to kwon, what´s the name of that sintax.
> > I have found some information in Plugins/Authoring in Custom
> > Alias sections. But, I would like to read more about it. But
> > what´s the name?
> There isn't really a name for that entire thing. It's an anonymous function
> that is defined and called immediately.
> The purpose of it is to provide a local scope for variables and functions.
> Let's break it down:
> function(){/*code*/} is an anonymous function.
> You call a function by putting () after it, of course. But this is a syntax
> error for obscure reasons:
> function(){/*code*/}();
> However, throw some parentheses around the anonymous function:
> (function(){/*code*/})
> and now you have something that you can call by adding parens afterward:
> (function(){/*code*/})();
> By creating and calling a function, any "var" statements or function
> definitions inside that function are local to the function.
> -Mike

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