Released the 0.4 version of jQuery lightBox plugin.

Now we have a cutomizable keyboard support.

Take a look here and see the news.


On Oct 24, 7:47 pm, "Sam Sherlock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> truly awesome stuff.
> However Lokesh's lastest is able to load images that are generated with
> php.  This jq lightbox and thickbox are unable to do this.
> When clicking on a dynamically generated lightbox script  starts opens
> without image and then the image replaces the document.  With lokesh's
> lastest script it shows the image as it would a conventional image path
> I assume there must be a way. any ideas?
> - S
> On 15/10/2007, Guy Fraser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Kia Niskavaara wrote:
> > > Maby you can use the data: URI kitchen to construct your own data: URLs?
> > > Like this:
> > > logo.src =
> > ''+
> > >      
> > > 'LAAAAAANAA4AQAIjjI8Iyw3GhACSQecutsFV3nzgNi7SVEbo06lZa66LRib2UQAAOw%3D%3D';
> > > More info:
> > >
> > Not compatible with all browsers IIRC...

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