Hi Andrea. Great work on the plugin. This is such a common bit of functionality and the plugin is very useful. Here's some feedback.

1) In IE, your demo page doesn't seem to render correctly. The header that says, "Andrea's Blog Sliding Panels for jQuery" simply doesn't appear. It looks fine in FF though.

2)For Slide 2, the div that slides down is overlapped by the tabs at the top instead of being below the tabs. Again, not an issue in FF. Solely IE.

3) Slide 4: There's a stutter when expanding the div after the Ajax call. I would suggest modifying the code so that the Ajax call is completed, the Ajax indicator is changed and then do the slide down. I think this may help with the flicker.

4) The accordian demo: I'm not sure if this is the expected behavior but if I click on the first panel, it attempts to close it and then immediately reopens it. Also, there is a tremendous amount of flickering in FireFox.

That's all I could find for now.



I have now uploaded the version 1.0.1 of my jQ plugin for sliding
Some new feature added and a decent API has been written.

can find anything here:


Please give me your feedback and suggestions


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