
Thank you so much for the excellent feedback! I appreciate your taking the time to offer suggestions and report problems. I'll respond to the individual items below, but overall, this is really, really helpful.

Please especially look at my response to #7, as I hate the thought of this not working at all for you.

On Oct 20, 2007, at 4:18 PM, DaveG wrote:

PS: Some of the books on your Amazon list look interesting :)

thanks for visiting. :)

--- *Usage* ---
1] On the demo page, I'd suggest that the simplest case (from a library user perspective) is actually a link with a tip provided in the title. It took me quite a while to work out how to do this, as the hint attempted to get loaded from the title element as if title was a URL. My problem was that I was trying to use "attribute" to set my hint text, not *titleAttribute*.

However after I figured it out I did find the appropriate documentation, just scattered around a little. Here's the new demo I'd suggest adding as number 1, simple case:

<a id='e' href="http://xxxx"; title="My title|my hint">abc</a>


I see your point here. Since the plugin was inspired by jTip, which just does the ajax bit (no local or title-based tooltips), I always had it in my head that an ajax example would be the simplest. But you're absolutely right that a user would probably think of the title- based tooltip as the simplest. To accommodate that perspective, I'll have to rewrite some of the documentation as well as the demo, but I think it's worth it.

2] Next demo you might add is a hint with no title.

<a id='e' href="http://xxxx"; title="|my hint">abc</a>

      showTitle: false;

good idea. will add that.

3] It looks like adding a hint to an element, and then hovering over the target changes the cursor to a 'question-mark arrow'. That's fine, except when combined with the ability to turn off hints, when elements which were hovered over retain the question- mark cursor, which seems odd to users, now that hints are off.

I'd suggest returning the cursor state to it's original value on mouseout. That way when hints are later turned off all is well.

another good idea.

4] You might consider adding a means of removing hints from elements (or simply document the workaround). I accomplished this by simply adding an onActivate handler:
   jQuery( element )
         onActivate: function(e) {
            return false;

yes. The onActivate option was added by Hector Santos, but I'm not sure it's available in the 0.9.0 version on the download page at jquery.com/plugins/ yet. The jTip theme example #5 at http:// plugins.learningjquery.com/cluetip/demo/ shows how to use onActivate to turn clueTips on and off with a checkbox (also provided by Hector). I need to add this to the API/options tab, though.

5] Consider adding a top/bottom arrow pointer for use with positionBy:'bottomTop'.

Added! :-) Already had this working, but forgot to upload the new images and the updated css file to the server.

6] The left/right arrow appears very specific to putting the arrow in the top left/right corners. It would be nice to be able to put the arrow in the center, so it might be used in conjunction with the bubble type style.

One way to do this might be to provide a means of replacing the tl.gif and bl.gif classes with their top/bottom or left/right equivalents. This would fix [5] as well.

Hmmm. The code is supposed to adjust the background position of the clue-left-[theme name] and clue-right-[theme name] classes so that the arrows will point to the invoking element even if the tooltip is adjusted upwards. However, the rounded corners css, specifically the background images, might make it difficult to implement arrows with it. I'm not sure where to go with this one. But maybe since I added support for #5, this is already a possibility?

--- *Possible Bugs* ---
7] positionBy 'auto' appears not to work. The hint does not seem to accommodate the viewport scrolling. The other positioning methods work fine though. (I'm using the latest dimensions -- the one provided in the clueTip download.)

The only time I have heard of this breaking is when the plugin has been used with the latest Dimensions plugin in svn, not the one that comes with the clueTip download bundle. But maybe there is a problem on a particular browser that I'm not aware of yet.
Could you please do 2 things for me?
1. tell me which browser you're using
2. test the examples at http://plugins.learningjquery.com/cluetip/ demo/ and let me know if you encounter the problem there as well.

8] When shrinking the window, the hint for elements on the right side gets moved over to the center of the window, too far from the target element.

I haven't come across this one before, but I'll play around with resizing and see if I can find/solve the problem.

-- *Documentation* ---
9] The Demo Page seems to have Known Issues and Downloads at the bottom -- not sure that's meant to be there.

Oops! Good catch. Removed.

10] On the details page you mention that hints can fade in, but it takes a little digging to find out *how* to do this (it's on the API page).

11] Example 5 shows how hints can be turned off. However the code in the download does not include the onActivate parameter required to make this happen. I found a copy in SVN which has this in it, so presumably the doc is a little ahead of the production code. Took a while to work out what I was doing wrong though :)

In the meantime, I simply copy/pasted the few lines required for this functionality from svn.

Yes, you're right about that. Sorry! I should have a new download available in the next few days, as soon as I implement your suggestions. :-)

Thanks again, Dave!


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