Use a confirm()

if(confirm('text of question?')){
  ... // do it
  ... // don't do it

On Oct 25, 7:40 am, paulp75 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When i do a search it comes up with the results with this method
> $(function() {      var options = {
>         target:        '#searchresults'   // target element(s) to be
> updated with server response
>     };
>     // bind form using 'ajaxForm'
>     $('#form1').ajaxForm(options);
> after this call, i want the option to delete products from the
> database, but i'm only able to do this at this stage without any sort
> of confirmation which can be quite dangerous as I could lose important
> information.
> this is my current code, to allow me to do this after the search call,
> within the results.
> $('#searchresults').bind('click',function(event){
>         if($('.deleteproduct'))
>         {
>                  $('.deleteproduct').click(function(){
>                 $.post("jqjobdelete.php", { jobid: } );
>     $(this).parents("tr").fadeOut(500);return false;
>    });
>         }
> });
> How would I be able to have this delete only take place after a
> confirmation message such as "Are you sure?"
> thanks for any help

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