Sometimes IE does not make a new element available while the current
script block is still running. If you give it a breather then it can
catch up. This is most noticable when dealing with <select> elements.

Hence something like this may help (after appending the element)

window.setTimeout(function(){  jQuery('.container .item').each(...) },

Failing that does it make a difference to move the .show() to after
the .appendTo()

Also, If the item element has any child elements then you'll need to
use .clone(true) instead.


PS: One other thing... using the :first selector could save you a line
of code, eg: jQuery('.container .item:first')

On Nov 4, 1:32 am, Alexander Alexandrov
> Hash: SHA1
> Hello,
> I have a problem with jQuery running on IE 6 and i hope you can help me.
> I want to dynamically add / remove child elements (items) all with the
> same basic structure to a <div> container. In order to do so, initially
> I have the container with a hidden prototype version of the item as the
> only child. When a creation of a new item is requeested i simply do
> something like
> jQuery('.container .item')
>     .slice(0, 1) // select the prototype (first child)
>     .clone() // clone the prototype
>     .show() // display the prototype
>     .appendTo('.container); // append to the container
> Now, the problem is that I once insert the new item I cannot select it
> using for instance jQuery('.container .item').
> Moreover, if I want to traverse all inserted items with
> jQuery('.container .item').each(...);
> i only get the initial prototype item in IE. In FF all works fine.
> I guess the problem is the internal representation of the DOM in IE that
> jQuery uses for selection is not really updated upon calling a modifying
> method like append() or prepend()...
> I already tried doing document.recalc(); for ie browsers without success.
> I hope you understand the problem and can suggest a possible solution.
> Cheers,
> Alex
> - --
> Alexander Alexandrov
> icq: 72163091
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
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