
(I think my previous post got lost...)

I just started using jQuery and I am absolutely stoked with the
library and all the beautiful extensions - Great work!

I am using the superfish and it's working absolute perfect. But I have
two different menues on my site and would like to use two different
menues on my hp and would like to use different animation types. I
have attached my code below. Unfotunately the declaration of the first
animation type gets overwritten by the second one.
Does anyone know how to implement two different menues on one page?

THANKS, I really appreciate your help, Hannes

/*      Hauptnavigation   */
                                animation : { height:"show"}
                                        $("ul", this).bgIframe({opacity:false});

/*      Subnavigation   */
                                animation : { opacity:"show"}
                                        $("ul", this).bgIframe({opacity:false});

/*      Kontrast        */

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