On 17/11/2007, slooodge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Unfotunately the declaration of the first
> animation type gets overwritten by the second one.
> Does anyone know how to implement two different menues on one page?

Hi Slooodge!

Thanks very much for pointing this out. The first version of Superfish
did this correctly, but sometime since then I must have overlooked
testing multiple menus on a page with different options for each. The
good news is that I have fixed the problem (along with a couple other
bugs) and you can now download version 1.3.2 from the usual place:

There's nothing you need to know to get it to work how you want - just
drop in the updated superfish.js file and you should be all set. Let
me know if you do experience any problems though.

Joel Birch.

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