> -----Original Message-----
> From: Priest, James (NIH/NIEHS) [C] 

> Last question - would it be possible to have it collapse the 
> checkboxes
> both when you click on the parent H3 or any other H3 (as it does now)?
> That may not be possible but what do I know :)  I'm going to show this
> as it is now which may be good enough...

Actually I'm tinkering with Karl's latest example with a greater data
set (eventually there may be 100 checkboxes in each topic) - and the
only problem is that Topics with NO checked items don't collapse... I
had this sort of working with my attempt at hacking your show/hide
accordian code (from learningjquery.com) but I'm stuck at the point
where I collapse things and hide the unchecked items... hence my color
change experiment below...

<script type="text/javascript">
        // scrollTo: function will scroll the page back to the top when
a user collapses a div near the bottom of the page
                scrollTo : function(speed, easing) {
                return this.each(function() {
                        var targetOffset = $(this).offset();
                        $('html').animate({scrollTop: targetOffset},
speed, easing);

        $(document).ready(function() {
        // toggle the visibility of each topic when another is selected
                $('div.topiclist> h3').click(function() {
        // call custom function to scroll up
        // switch graphic indicator
        // hide unchecked items (for testing  those are red)
not(':checked').parent().css('color', 'red');

I'm trying to write this out so it makes sense (for you and me) :)

1) When the page initially loads - the topics list is collapsed with
only the first topic expanded showing the list of unchecked items (this
assumes ALL checkboxes are unchecked initially).

Topic 1
0 item 1
0 item 2
Topic 2
Topic 3
2) User then selects Topic 2

Topic 1
Topic 2
0 item 1
0 item 2
Topic 3
3) User checks item 2 - then selects Topic 3

Topic 1
Topic 2
x item 2
Topic 3
0 item 1
0 item 2
4) User selects Topic 1

Topic 1
0 item 1
0 item 2
Topic 2
x item 2
Topic 3
5) User checks item 1 & 2 then selects Topic 2

Topic 1
x item 1
x item 2
Topic 2
0 item 1
x item 2
Topic 3

Does that even remotely make sense????????


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