Hi Erlend,

Thanks to give me the attention to iframe possibility in question
about Flash. I´ll analise it in future versions.

The preloading image is normal. I didn´t alter it.

An option to turn off the effects is comming too :)


On Nov 19, 2007 10:43 AM, Erlend Schei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Released the 0.4 version of jQuery lightBox plugin.
> Lovely, Leandro! The visibility stuff was marvellous, and I'm quite
> annoyed over not having thought of it myself :) The background truly
> benefits from not jumping up and down with elements being displayed as
> none. May I suggest that you add iframes to the list as well? A lot of
> flash ads served through iframes shine through.
> Is there a reason why you have turned off the preloading of the next
> image? The plugin now seems somewhat less responsive than in version
> 0.3. I loved the preloading bit which made it very snappy. Also, going
> back to the previous (and thus already loaded) image seems slower, and
> I get the unneccesary loading gif. I'd very much appreciate having the
> preloading back, and not displaying the loading gif when it's not
> necessary.
> Thanks again for your tremendous work!
> I'd love an option to turn off all effects, to make the expreience
> faster, although less fancy. The fade to black, timed resize of image
> container and the sliding text box.
> Erlend Schei :)
> >

Leandro Vieira Pinho
Diretor da w3invent - http://w3invent.com.br
Blog pessoal sobre Desenvolvimento Web - http://leandrovieira.com
Colunista semanal iMasters - http://www.imasters.com.br/

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