Trying this again to see if anyone has any clues.

I have been doing some  dynamic things with accordion and have found
some areas that don't work.  After some rather extensive debugging it
appears that the problem lies in jQuery.

I'm doing some very dynamics things with the content that lives in the
accordion.  The problems I've found seem to stem from accordion
getting out of sync with the changes that are made to the data after
accordion is called and setup.  I haven't unraveled why the problems
are happening yet but it appears that jQuery is cacheing hide/show

I have provided a sample page that demonstrates one of the problems I
have found with accordion and my tecniques.

Example of broken accordion:

Works 1st time and then broken until refresh of page.

Click on "Open Inspector" to open the inspector pane and use the
accordion, it works great.

Click on "Close Inspector" to close the inspector pane.

Now click on "Open Inspector" and the accordion is broken.  Page
refresh fixes it.

When I open the inspector I dynamically build the html that will be
accordioned and call accordion.

When I close the inspector I empty the accordion data, as the next
time the inspector is opened it may be inspecting a different object.
The accordion seems to get out of sync with the new data.

I changed the code to completely remove all traces of accordion when
closing the inspector and then reloading accordion when I open the
inspector.  The same problem occurs, leading me to believe there is
some sort of bug in the jQuery hide/show code.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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