Hire an experienced jQuery person to help you out. A couple hundred
dollars might get you some one-on-one time with a pretty good

Or, if you have the time and/or no inclination to pay, just peruse the
plugins page at jquery.com. There's plugins that do and example code
that describes everything you're wanting to do.

On Nov 20, 5:50 am, TunaSandwich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I just hopped on the jQuery bandwagon and I'm working on the following
> functionality so if there are any examples or tutorials that do
> anything like this I'd love to hear about them. I realize I will
> eventually figure all this out but if anyone knows of any working
> models, examples that are close to what I want or a list of what
> methods to study would be greatly appreciated because it would speed
> things up. (And that's what we're all here for right? �� )
> Type 'n List:
> I would like to type into a box. A list of links would appear just
> below the box that will have been retrieved from the database using
> AJAX. Ideally there would be a timer. The user starts typing and as
> soon as they stop typing for say 900ms, then the links would be
> retrieved from the database. If the user starts typing again, then
> again the box isn't refreshed till they stop typing for 900ms. I have
> done this often with Visual Basic or FoxPro and the trick there was to
> have a timer that you reset whenever the user types. The logic for the
> database refresh is in the timer event so it doesn't fire unless the
> timer fires. I did this once in plain JavaScript and I used the
> clearTimeout and setTimeout functions.
> Dynamo-List:
> A list of links is inserted in a DIV. The list is refreshed by the
> server every few seconds. When new items appear, they are inserted
> rather than having the whole list refresh. I have seen the hide(500)
> method and it would be nice is items appeared and disappeared in the
> list using a similar effect.
> Dynamo-Check'em:
> I have a list of a lot of check boxes so what I'd like to do is have a
> text box at the top of the list. When the user types in the text box,
> then the list of check boxes is refined by what the user types (based
> on the name of the check boxes stored in a database). The user can
> check the boxes. Once checked they always remain in the list
> regardless of whether or not they meet the criteria. To make them
> disappear, the user has to uncheck them. The reason they stay visible
> once checked is so that the user can see which ones are checked
> regardless of what's in the text box. For this control, the timer
> pattern in the Dynamo-List above isn't as important because the number
> of check boxes will not be very large. Perhaps a thousand at the outer
> limit. The boxes the user has checked off should always be reflected
> in the database.
> Expando-Show:
> In a given list of items (anchor tags), I'd like to be able to hide
> and show the description and other fields that go with each item. This
> needs to be done two ways. One where the data is just hidden and shown
> and the other where it is disposed of and loaded from the database as
> required in real time.
> Scroll'm-Rollem:
> Given say 100 items in a database, I'd like to show about 5 of them.
> Every few seconds, I'd like to hide the bottom one and thin insert a
> new one at the top. So it's like a scrolling list that runs on a
> timer. When a user is hovering an item, we don't want to make it
> disappear. I would like scroll-up and scroll-down links as well so
> that the user can manually scroll the list.
> I'm using PHP and MySQL (I realize it doesn't matter what's at the
> back end as long as the back end returns the same results). Obviously
> I can learn faster from any examples that use PHP but I'll take
> anything. ��
> Thanks again! Also, if there's anyone here floating around Ottawa that
> would like to join my support groups for programmers and business
> people, don't hesitate to contact me!
> I look forward to hearing from anybody!
> Darcy Whyte
> Social Software, Analyst, Database
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 613-563-3634
> Ottawa, Ontario, Canada | N 45° 25'03.1" W 75° 
> 42'21.4"www.Siteware.com|www.siteware.com/pictures
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> Explore and
> analyze existing systems. Look for answers on how systems can
> facilitate constructive social networks. Be in the know about what's
> transforming your world.www.JumpSocial.com/blog
> 2.0 Lab: Share Web 2.0 development techniques. AJAX, Network Metrics,
> Rich Interfaces, Frameworks, Yahoo UI etc.www.JumpSocial.com/blog
> Ottawa Facebook Developer Garage: Learn about Facebook development and
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