Why does the code below show the values for the two alerts to be:
bilbo and layout_1 ?

I would have expected: bilbo and bilbo.

I thought the cascading selectors would have chosen the dp_properties
class that is the first child level of the selected div. . .not the
dp_properties class buried two levels down (but appearing first in the
DOM listing).

I would have thought that I would have had to use more selectors to
get into there specifically?

This really breaks my thinking of how jQuery works.  Do I really need
to know what elements are in between to know that a selector is
working properly?  What syntax would I use to get the one I want (the
last and outermost)?

Thoughts, answers, fixes?


alert( $( "#395" ).attr("dp_id") );
alert( $( "#395" .dp_properties" ).attr( "dp_id" ) );

<div id="395" dp_id="bilbo">
        <div class="dp_view_container">
                <div id="411"  dp_id="layout_1"  dp_id_num="411">
                        <div class="dp_properties" dp_id_num="411" 
        <div class="dp_properties" dp_id_num="395" dp_id="bilbo"></div>

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