In general, there are better ways of doing this.

One way is with a sprite. (Background or foreground)

Browsers are very fast at CSS, and not nearly as fast at replacing
graphics.  Many browsers show a flicker.
If you use a sprite then it works faster and smoother.

Another way is to have both images in the dom.  Then change
display:none/block on hover so it shows one or the other.
There are lots of methods.  The one you have has flicker written all over
it. :)


On Dec 4, 2007 4:10 PM, DaveG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm trying to change an elements class on mouse-over/out. The code below
> seems to fire repeatedly when the mouse moves over the target, even when
> the mouse is stationary, causing a slow (10/sec) flicker effect. What's
> causing the flicker? I was expecting the over/out functions to fire once
> on mouse over, and once on mouse out.
> jQuery("[EMAIL PROTECTED]'xxx-']").hover(
>    function(){
>       jQuery(this)
>          .attr(
>             'class',
>             this.className.replace(/xxx-(\w+)-off/gi, 'xxx-$1-on')
>          );
>    },
>    function(){
>       jQuery(this)
>          .attr(
>             'class',
>             this.className.replace(/xxx-(\w+)-on/gi, 'xxx-$1-off')
>           );
>    }
> );
>  ~ ~ David

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