There is a lot to optimize there.

I'm sure most of the overhead comes from the each-loop. There is
propably other stuff to optimize too, but this looks like where you
could benefit the most. Lets quickly go through some problems:

> $(".crewSchedule tr[id='" + cur.employee_id + "'] ." + lbl)

Your selector string becomes something like ".crewSchedule
tr[id='35'] .1-Jan-2007". Selecting by attribute value is slow, and
you'll propably get a lot faster by simplifying your selector string
to "$('#' + cur.employee_id + ' .'+ lbl)" or "#35 .1-Jan-2007"
respectively. This lets jQuery find the tr-element straightforward by
it's id (which is the fastest possible selection since browsers give
us the native getElementById functionality).

> var q = parseInt($(this).children(".qty").text()) + 1;
> $(this).children(".qty").text(q);
> $(this).children(".detail").html(task.summary(cur));

- Here you have many calls to $(this). While not terribly slow, it's
unnecessary. Each call wraps the tr-element inside a jQuery object,
which takes some time, and you do it three times.

- You also search the rows children for elements with class .qty 2
times, when one would be enough.

Try this instead:
var row_element = $(this);   // Now we only need to wrap the tr-
element in the jQuery object once, and use that from then on
var qty_element = row_element.children(".qty");   // Same with
the .qty-element(s?)
var q = parseInt(qty_element.text() + 1);

These might give you some boost in performance. Just a few extra

- Dom-access, selections and manipulations are _slow_. If you were to
iterate through the data and manipulate it while the data is inside a
pure javascript object or array it would be much faster. Going through
the DOM looking for elements and then updating them one by one is
terrible in performance compared to just looping over objects
properties and manipulating those.

- Avoid selecting elements inside loops or other code that runs often.
If necessary, make sure the selector strings are as optimized as
possible. The best way is to always use an id-selector, as it is the
fastest. If at all possible, give unique id's to elements from server
side, or at least keep the DOM-tree inside such elements shallow for
quicker selections inside them.

- Your script now propably goes through all the data and HTML before
giving anything to the user. You can greatly improve the perceived
speed of the script if you give the processed data to the user row by
row, as soon as it is ready. That way the user starts seeing stuff
immediately. The trick to achieve this is to use recursive functions
that use setTimeout with 0ms delays when calling themselves. This
frees the browsers rendering engine to draw the necessary stuff in
between the cycles, instead of waiting for the whole thing to finish.


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