Wow!... that makes a world of difference!  Seems so obvious - NOW.. :) 
This makes the page usable again.  (no huge delays).

Thank you.  You just saved me hours and hours of revising my server side 
code - I was reusing an existing search routine to get what I needed in 
JSON format.  If the delays persisted, I would have been looking at a 
custom block of server side code to generate table rows, and then use jQ 
to replace the existing rows.  There's a bunch of code I no longer need 
to worry about.  Thanks!

Lesson learned - search by ID whenever possible, especially if 
performance is an issue.


Dave Methvin wrote:
>> I was able to implement some of the changes you recommended.  I did away
>> with the .each() bit, switched to using tr#ID instead of tr[id=],
> So does the selector now look like this?
>    $(".crewSchedule tr#' + cur.employee_id + "." + lbl)
> Any time you start a selector with a bare .classname it will be slow
> on a large document. It has to go through every element in the
> document to see if it has the given className. However, ids must be
> unique in a document so you should be able to do this:
>    $("#'" + cur.employee_id + "." + lbl)
> Have you tried the Firebug profiler to see what's taking all the time?

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