Glen Lipka wrote:
Let's start at the beginning. Let's assume (work with me here) that autogeneration of sprites and css is the path to ruin.
Actually, I don't agree with this statement. Auto-generation get you the sprite and positioning css, which is nice, and is useful. One of the primary benefits though is automation -- a consistent, theoretically error free management of the process.

It's the same reason people prefer to automate build processes. Take the chance of tedium induced errors out of the equation.

Let's assume 100 images should be manageable in a very easy way. (When you add new images it should take under 3 minutes to update things)

Here a beginning...

Structure is everything. When you set up a good architecture, maintenance is easy.
So, basically we have a large grid structure with a single image in each cell. Since the grid is statically sized, we have a fixed offset to apply for the hover effect.

So far in the demo I have.
1. Images are variable size, currently width is variable, if height is variable that is fine, but I would like to see the range of possible heights/widths. 2. Some are hoverable and some not. I use the "canHover" class and the "button" class in tandem to achieve the right selection.
This approach clearly makes the markup cleaner, and makes the hover js simpler as well. I haven't run any performance metrics, but I'd suspect this approach is quicker, but the difference is probably not user noticeable, even on 100's of images.

So we now have a cleaner coded solution, but have lost the benefit of automation, and with it incurred a larger testing effort, every time an image is added/removed. In our case I'm not sure this is an appropriate trade-off, given the relatively small amount of code simplification we gained.

Look at the source and go slow. I am sure this doesn't scale for some reason. Show me the images to add and I will show you how it scales.
I think it does scale, although at some point there's going to be an overhead due to the 'whitespace' around the smaller images. PNG seems to do pretty well at compressing this though, so a few k at the most.

PS. This technique works for a sprite I manage. Rows: 80, Cols: 8. Its gigantic and super easy to manage.

Thanks for sharing your approach -- it certainly helped me think some things through, and it's always good to bounce the idea around for a sanity check.

Oh, and I did realize a fundamental assumption I made way early on. For some reason I decided that the initially combined over/out sprites needed to be separated in order to use the large sprite idea. Not true. In fact keeping the over/out sprite combined as a single image, and merging that image into the larger sprite would have opened another option, of simply off-setting the initial image by the image width (or height depending on how the over/out sprite was stacked).

 ~ ~ David

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