Yes, you're quite right. I missed out the h3's initially, then added
them back in without thinking!
It should have been something like...

var cols = $('#dsViewport').find('div.column');
$('#dsViewport h3').each(function(){ // assuming you want the h3?
    var numPrecedingColumns =
        cols.index( $(this).next().get(0) );
    // ..... do whatever .....

If you can have something other than a div.column following an h3 then
you'll need to change the next().

On Dec 18, 5:19 pm, Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Dec 18, 12:05 pm, Wizzud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > var cols = $('#dsViewport').find('div.column');
> > $('#dsViewport h3').each(function(){ // assuming you want the h3?
> >     var numPrecedingColumns =
> >         cols.index( $('div.column:first', this)get(0) );
> >     // ..... do whatever .....
> >   });
> Doesn't 'this' in the expression $('div.column:first', this) refer to
> the current h3? Then the whole expression means, "Get me the
> first .column in the context of the current h3," which, since the h3s
> only contain text, is an empty array. Maybe there's a nuance I'm not
> catching?
> Chris

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