The delay, I think it's a "new member" thing.
Mine show up right away, I think.

I think your technique sounds good.  The situations that I have done that
were "fixed" height.


On Dec 18, 2007 9:33 PM, Micky Hulse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've got a few questions here...
> When I .load() text into a div -- basically swapping one bit of text
> for another, -- the div will collapse for a second while the textual
> content loads and switches...
> ...What would be the best way to retain the div size during .load()?
> My best guess would be to dynamically grab the div height before
> ajaxStart(), and then apply min-height/height to the container div
> only during the switching.
> Sound like an ok technique/approach? How have you handled such
> situations?
> <off-topic>
> I have noticed that my posts take a while to show-up on the list... Is
> this because of moderation? Are all posts moderated, or only those
> made by new members?
> </off-topic>
> Thanks!
> Cheers,
> Micky

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