I'm getting the same error...

On Dec 12, 7:30 pm, Peter Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I download the jquery-ui.min.js by just selecting the Draggable plugin
> which produced an 18K file.
> $('table.draggable').draggable();
> actually works just fine on my page. It even works in IE 6.
> BUT! I'm getting errors in Firebug and the Error Console. And on IE6 I'm
> getting some error warnings. When I load the page I first get this::
>    "$.ui[w] has no properties"    jquery-ui.min.js (line 8)
> (since it's minified it doesn't really make sense to show what's on line 8)
> When I start dragging the element I get another error::
>   "$(this.helper).outerWidth is not a function"   jquery-ui.min.js (line 23)
> I'm using jquery-1.2.1.min.js.
> The second error about outerWidth goes away when I also install dimensions.
> --
> Peter Bengtsson,
> workwww.fry-it.com
> homewww.peterbe.com
> hobbywww.issuetrackerproduct.com

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