I'd suggest marking each How To article with version numbers. After a
few iterations of jQuery, people aren't going to know if the article
is still applicable or not.

On Dec 20, 11:50 pm, Shawn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In a recent thread
> (http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/browse_thread/thread/acfe180...)
> the need for volunteer help with the documentation was discussed.  I
> posted a suggestion that maybe a "how-to" type of document may help
> those who do not like the reference style of the official docs.  I took
> a look at adding to the wiki, but don't know the syntax/formatting
> needed (yet).  But I wanted to do something about this idea while it was
> more or less fresh in my head.
> So, I slapped together a quick Drupal site under a sub-domain to my own
> domain, and started typing.  Actually, I had started typing first, but
> quickly realized that an approach was needed to allow the community to
> offer feedback and/or help out.  So, a Drupal site sounded perfect for
> this - for now at least.  So, the site is at
> http://jquery.open2space.com
> I have some basic items in there right now, and am planning on extending
> the how-to's as I have time.  But I'm only one person and the areas I
> think would be helpful may be only a small subset of what everyone else
> thinks is helpful.  So feel free to create an account and help out.
> The actual how-to's are athttp://jquery.open2space.com/howto.  And if
> you'd like to contribute, I have some quick instructions and guidelines
> athttp://jquery.open2space.com/node/2.
> Logged in users can also blog about their jQuery experiences if they'd like.
> This is a bit of an experiment for me (the community driven site that
> is).  I'd like to see the community grow this idea, and even better -
> make it so popular that it makes sense to roll back into the official
> jQuery site. :)  My thoughts right now is that this site become a jQuery
> learning center, with links to pertinent books and blogs, and other
> resources for learning jQuery.  (Yep I have the Learning jQuery blog in
> the feeds.. any others that should be there? :)
> Any suggestions on making the site better are much appreciated.  And
> thanks to everyone who helped me get as far in my own understanding of
> jQuery!
> Shawn Grover

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