What you are looking for is a tabs system triggered by the onmouseover event , is it?

I have built something like that but I did not make it into a plugin :


Rick Faircloth wrote:

Hi, all...

I'd like to request some suggestions as to what core jQuery

functions and plug-in(s) might best be used to create a

menu feature such as the one used on this site:

_www.AtlantaFalcons.com_ <http://www.AtlantaFalcons.com>

You'll see an expanded area appear beneath the menu when you

mouseover the main menu items at the top of the page;.

I thought about using the Yahoo enhanced search approach

which involves sliding the page content down to make room

for the new search area, but I think I would rather use

the approach on the Falcon's site, and overlay the menu.

The Yahoo approach would be simpler, just using a slide-and-hide

approach, but the Falcon's approach would be a little

more complex.

Involving, perhaps, absolutely positioned div's and z-index

for positioning the additional menu area?

Thoughts and suggestions?

Thanks for any input...


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