Hi David,

Thanks for spotting that.  I've just realised I pointed the URL to the
wrong place - and it sorted now.

The tags not being in the middle is just a bit of CSS tweaking for IE6
- but I'm glad to see the actual concept is working in IE6 - cheers


On Dec 28, 10:11 pm, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nice work, on IE6 the suggested tags are not in the middle of the input
> but are pushed a bit down.
> I noticed a 404 message for the ajax example.
> -- David
> Remy Sharp schreef:
> > I've just posted up a plugin a wrote a couple of months ago for a
> > personal project that allows del.icio.us like tag suggestions - i.e.
> > as the user types, suggested tags appear which they can click on or
> > press tab to select.
> > I think it's an important feature if you've got tagging on your site
> > because it helps the user to narrow down their own subset of tags
> > reducing the margin for variations on one tag or misspellings.
> > The plugin, demonstration and documentation is here:
> >http://remysharp.com/2007/12/28/jquery-tag-suggestion/
> > However, I don't have any access to IE6 - so I'd love to hear from
> > anyone with feedback.
> > Thanks,
> > Remy Sharp.

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