Thanks! That worked, the pages are displaying correctly now.
I'm still confused on how slice is used differently to replace the .lt
and .gt methods, with .lt receiving two arguments, while .gt only
received 1 argument.

I visited the online documentation pages at, and read the
1.2 release notes. Honestly, I'm a bit befuddled. The example on how
the second and third elements were selected (
Traversing/slice) is as follows:


I understand the 1 to define the start of the subset of paragraphs
selected, but with no end for the subset, it seems to me (since I know
little of the wrapInner method), that the second and and all
subsequent p elements would be "wrapped" in bold, not just the second
and third paragraphs.

I'm not familiar with .wrapInner yet (I just searched for it on the website), so am I missing something really obvious here?

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