Thanks for the kudo's Karl.  I've always felt obligated (or is that 
obliged) to give back what I myself have received.  In this case is the 
help/mentoring/support the community provides.  So I help out where I can.

I just hope I'm not way off on my postings.. :)  But fully expect to be 
corrected if I am. (and I'm open to being corrected - how else would I 
learn otherwise?)


Karl Swedberg wrote:
> Thanks for answering this question, Shawn! I really appreciate the time 
> you've taken here and on your blog to help others with some of clueTip's 
> features.
> Feijó,
> Shawn showed you a way to use an element on the same page for the 
> tooltip's contents. If you'd like to use the invoking element's title 
> attribute (or some other attribute as set by the titleAttribute option) 
> for the contents, you need to set the splitTitle option. Something like 
> this, for example:
> $('h4').cluetip({splitTitle: '|'});
> <h4 title="Fancy Title!|testing">Hover over me.</h4>
> Hope that helps.
> --Karl
> _________________
> Karl Swedberg
> On Jan 4, 2008, at 11:10 PM, Shawn wrote:
>> Yes, you can.
>> First, you specify the attribute that contains the ajax page OR the name
>> of the local element to show.
>> If you are doing local a local element, you then set the "local"
>> property to true, and adjust any other properties as needed.  Using a
>> local element is mutually exclusive of any of the Ajax items...
>> i.e.
>> <h4 id="myheading">My Heading</h4>
>> <div id="clueDiv" style="display: none;">Here's my extra detail</div>
>> //javascript
>> $("#myheading").attr("rel", "#cluediv").cluetip({
>>   local : true,
>>   hoverClass : "highlight"
>> });
>> That *should* show the clueDiv as your popup/cluetip without any Ajax 
>> calls.
>> Options can be found at 
>> Samples can be found at
>> I'm sure others may have responded by now (no mail from the list for a
>> while, but that's usual for me for some reason, then I'll get a flood).
>>  And they probably have more definitive recommendations (i.e. Karl
>> monitors the list and he is the Cluetip author...)  But, if not, I hope
>> this helps.
>> Shawn
>> Feijó wrote:
>>> With *non-link element*, why can't I use without ajax?
>>> I try that:
>>> $('h4').cluetip();
>>> <h4 title="Fancy Title!|testing">Hover over me.</h4>
>>> Didnt work, only like this works:
>>> $('h4').cluetip({attribute: 'id', hoverClass: 'highlight'});
>>> <h4 title="Fancy Title!" id="ajax3.htm">Hover over me.</h4>
>>> Can't I just set a tip without ajax? With <a> the first one runs.
>>> thanks
>>> Feijó

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