Data in url is not enough. But thanks anyway.

I found the solution. I create a hidden iframe and I set onLoad
parameter (SubmitCallback Js function) , then i submit data to a that
iframe using form's target parameter. After form is successfully
submited my SubmitCallback JS function is called by iframe's onLoad.
SubmitCallback gets the data using jquery.getScript.

On the server side: when cgi script is called with POST method result
(output) is saved and empty page is returned. Then I load saved result
with SubmitCallback.

Now I have another question? From the security point of view, what is
the difference between cross domain script loading and cross domain
ajax requests? Why script loading is permitted by browsers and ajax is


On Jan 9, 1:01 pm, "Mike Alsup" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is there anything like
> > var script=document.createElement('script');
> > script.method='post' ??
> No, but if your forms don't submit a ton of data you can use jsonp
> effectively.
> $('#myForm').submit(function() {
>     var $this = $(this);
>     var data = $this.serialize();
>     $.ajax({
>         url:         $this.attr('action'),
>         dataType:   'jsonp',
>         data:        data,
>         processData: false,
>         success:     mySuccessCallback
>     });
>     return false;
> });
> Mike

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