Karl, Dan,

thanks for the ideas. Inspired by example #5 of the demo page I've set
up the clueTip on the text box and I'm using a global variable to
determine if the clueTip should actually display. It looks like this
solution will work but the problem I'm running into now is that when
the onActivate returns false, the form field loses focus, which
renders that form field unusable.

Is there a way to give the form field focus after onActivate function
returns false? Maybe this is a bug with the plugin?

On Jan 11, 9:49 am, "Dan G. Switzer, II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >I think it's possible, but it may take some creativity on your part.
> >Take a look, particularly, at the onActivate option. There is an
> >example of enabling/disabling the clueTip on the demo page, jTip theme
> >example #5:
> >http://plugins.learningjquery.com/cluetip/demo/
> Also, you might be able to place a hidden element that in the position you
> want the clueTip to appear and then use the trigger("click") method on the
> element when you want to show the tip.
> You'd want to configure the clueTip to show on a click event.
> -Dan

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