Hey Rick,

It looks like you're trying to bind the mouseover to links inside div.image-wrapper, but when I looked at your DOM, I didn't see any links there. That's probably why it's not working for you. ;-)

Karl Swedberg

On Jan 13, 2008, at 8:55 AM, Rick Faircloth wrote:

Hi, all.

I've made several attempts to figure out how to
cause a div to slide up and slide down when a menu item
is moused-over but so far, all attempts have failed.

I can get the div to hide upon initialization of the page,
but the slide is non-responsive.

My jQuery has been tried like this:

      $(document).ready(function() {
$('div.image-wrapper').find('div.menu- details').hide().end().find('a').mouseover(function() {
                        var answer = $('div.menu-details');
                        if (answer.is(':visible')) {
                        } else {

and like this:

        $(document).ready(function() {
$('div.image-wrapper').find('div.menu- details').hide().end().find('a').mouseover(function() {

but neither variation has worked.

The menu is a routine <ul><li><a href="." construct.

Anyone see any errors and perhaps have another way to go about this?
I'm trying at this point just to get a single, blank div to respond to the jQuery, however, eventually, the content in the div will be based upon the menu item moused-over.

The url to view my attempts is http://c21ar.wsm-dev.com.

The goal is to make something with HTML and jQuery which emulates the functionality for the to menu
at this site:   http://www.AtlantaFalcons.com

Thanks for any assistance and thoughts!


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