
i'm developing a little site, where the user has the possibility to
fill in several forms. i want that the user can navigate through those
forms via normal html links. on click the form should be submitted and
on success the content in div #xy be updated in relation to the link.
i tried it like this, but this is not working. has anybody a
workaroung or else?

thank you

my try:

var options = {
          beforeSubmit:  showRequest,
          success:       showResponse,
          url:                          'inc/application.adv.func.php'

function showRequest(formData, jqForm, options) {
        var queryString = $.param(formData);
        return true;

function showResponse(responseText, statusText)  {

                var pageNumber = '0';
                return false;

        // etc. etc.

                var pageNumber = '4';
                return false;

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