I'm not an AJAX guru, but it looks like the pageNumber variable is
local to each of your click functions and won't be seen by the
showResponse function.
Make it global (actually, local to the document.ready function):

  var pageNumber;  // local variable in this document.ready function
...other stuff..
  function showResponse(responseText, statusText)  {
page='+pageNumber); // showResponse doesn't have its own pageNumber
variable, so it uses the enclosing function's one. This is called a

    pageNumber = '0'; // note: no 'var' ! So no local pageNumber
variable, so it uses the enclosing function's one. The same one that
showResponse will use later! A little bit of Javascript magic.
    return false;

On Jan 13, 2:47 am, antiheld2000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi,
> i'm developing a little site, where the user has the possibility to
> fill in several forms. i want that the user can navigate through those
> forms via normal html links. on click the form should be submitted and
> on success the content in div #xy be updated in relation to the link.
> i tried it like this, but this is not working. has anybody a
> workaroung or else?
> thank you
> anti
> my try:
> $(document).ready(function(){
> var options = {
>           beforeSubmit:  showRequest,
>           success:       showResponse,
>           url:                          'inc/application.adv.func.php'
>  };
> function showRequest(formData, jqForm, options) {
>         $("body").addClass("curWait");
>         var queryString = $.param(formData);
>         return true;
> }
> function showResponse(responseText, statusText)  {
>         $("body").addClass("curAuto");
>         jQuery('div#adv_content').load('inc/de.application.adv.inc.php?
> page='+pageNumber);
> }
>         $('#step1').click(function(){
>                 var pageNumber = '0';
>                 $('#myform').ajaxSubmit(options);
>                 return false;
>         });
>         // etc. etc.
>         $('#step5').click(function(){
>                 var pageNumber = '4';
>                 $('#myform').ajaxSubmit(options);
>                 return false;
>         });
> })

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