I am trying to make use of the jMaps plugin
http://digitalspaghetti.me.uk/2007/11/20/jmap2-beta-release-out to retrieve
the lat and long of an address so I can put it into a form element.

So far I have the following code, I can stop the plugin putting the pointer
on the map (by adding addMarker:false ), so at least I know that I should be
getting a variable with the point coords in it:

        //$.fn.jMap.defaults.mapType = "sat";

        function searchCallBack(point){

                        address: $('#fromAddress').val(),
                        cache: $.jmap.GGeoCache, addMarker:false

However the callback doesnt work properly, I have also tried
                        address: $('#fromAddress').val(),
                        cache: $.jmap.GGeoCache, addMarker:false
but the function that is passed in is passed simply as text.

and I tried assigning the result to a variable :

$address = $('#map').searchAddress({
                        address: $('#fromAddress').val(),
                        cache: $.jmap.GGeoCache, addMarker:false
but there was no love there either.

Any help great fully appreciated!
Where am I going wrong?

Duncan I Loxton

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