Hmm, well this definately works:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
customGeoCode = function(address) {
        if (typeof $.jmap.GClientGeocoder == 'undefined') {
                var geocoder = new GClientGeocoder;
        } else {
                var geocoder = $.jmap.GClientGeocoder;

        geocoder.getLatLng('1 queen st, auckland, new zealand',
                if (!point) {
                        // Address is not found, throw an error
                        alert('Address not found');
                } else {
                        alert('lat: '+point.y);
                        alert('lng: '+point.x);

// test it out:
customGeoCode('Auckland, New Zealand');

Bypasses those functions and you don't even need a map.

On Jan 17, 11:25 pm, Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks Hamish
> I am also using jMaps2 and saw that adding addMarker:false should return the
> point object, then I would have point.y and point.x this doesn't appear to
> be happening though.
> I also spotted the references to what you pointed out in the jmaps.js file,
> but because I am using jmap2 I guess the searchAddress function in
> jmap2.jssupercedes the original.
> So when I try
> $address = $('#map').searchAddress({
>                        address: $('#fromAddress').val(),
>                        cache: $.jmap.GGeoCache,
>                        returntype: 'object',
>                        addMarker:false
> and do an alert($address) I actually get a HTML div Object, not a data
> array. Whats going on? This looks like it should be returning an array.....
> On Jan 16, 2008 7:23 PM, Hamish Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It's a great plugin - I'm using it (well, jmap2 actually) at
> > to integrate twitter and gmaps (currently a proof of
> > concept page only).
> > I believe I know where you're going wrong. By default, searchAddress
> > performs actions on the current map, rather than returning something
> > useful. However, add the option "returntype: 'object'" and you will
> > get a an array where [0] is the 'y' (longitude?) and [1] is the 'x'.
> > So, you want something like this:
> > address = $('#map').searchAddress({
> >                        address: $('#fromAddress').val(),
> >                        cache: $.jmap.GGeoCache,
> >                        returntype: 'object'
> >                }
> > lat = address[1];
> > lng = address[0];
> > I haven't tested this, but from the source code of the plugin, the
> > returntype option is there explicitly to allow what you are looking
> > for.
> > Hope this helps!
> > Hamish
> > On Jan 16, 6:13 pm, Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > can anyone please help me with this?
> > > On Jan 15, 2008 11:35 AM, Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > I am trying to make use of the jMaps plugin
> > > >
> > > > retrieve the lat and long of an address so I can put it into a form
> > element.
> > > > So far I have the following code, I can stop the plugin putting the
> > > > pointer on the map (by adding addMarker:false ), so at least I know
> > that I
> > > > should be getting a variable with the point coords in it:
> > > > (function($){
> > > >         //$.fn.jMap.defaults.mapType = "sat";
> > > >         $('#map').jmap({language:"en"});
> > > >         $('#map').createMarkerManager();
> > > >         $('#map').createGeoCache();
> > > >         //console.log($.jmap);
> > > >         function searchCallBack(point){
> > > >                 alert(point);
> > > >         }
> > > >         $('#addressSearch').click(function(){
> > > >                 $('#map').searchAddress({
> > > >                         address: $('#fromAddress').val(),
> > > >                         cache: $.jmap.GGeoCache, addMarker:false
> > > >                 },null,searchCallBack
> > > >         );
> > > >         });
> > > > })(jQuery);
> > > > However the callback doesnt work properly, I have also tried
> > > > $('#addressSearch').click(function(){
> > > >                 $('#map').searchAddress({
> > > >                         address: $('#fromAddress').val(),
> > > >                         cache: $.jmap.GGeoCache, addMarker:false
> > > >                 },null,function(point){alert(point);}
> > > >         );
> > > > but the function that is passed in is passed simply as text.
> > > > and I tried assigning the result to a variable :
> > > > $address = $('#map').searchAddress({
> > > >                         address: $('#fromAddress').val(),
> > > >                         cache: $.jmap.GGeoCache, addMarker:false
> > > >                 }
> > > > but there was no love there either.
> > > > Any help great fully appreciated!
> > > > Where am I going wrong?
> > > > --
> > > > Duncan I Loxton
> > > --
> > > Duncan I Loxton
> --
> Duncan I Loxton

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