
I'm trying to create a new custom validation method similar to the
other methods included in 'additional-methods.js'. I've created my
method like this:
jQuery.validator.addMethod('dateAfter', function(value, element,
param) {
        var dVal = new Date();
        var dParam = new Date();
        param.indexOf('#') > -1 ?
dParam.setTime(Date.parse(jQuery(param).val())) :
        return !jQuery.validator.methods.required(value, element) || ((!/
Invalid|NaN/.test(dVal) && !/Invalid|NaN/.test(dParam)) && (dVal >
}, 'End date cannot be before start date.');

When running this method, it errors out while executing
jQuery.validator.methods.required(value, element). This is because
jQuery.validator.methods.required executes this.depend(param, element)
which is not available to the newly created method. Has anyone found a
way around this while creating custom validation methods?

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