On Jan 15, 2008, at 9:28 AM, Karl Swedberg wrote:

Hi Chris,

Sorry for the delay in responding to your issue with the plugin. To be honest, I haven't looked at the ajaxProcess part in a long time, so I've been procrastinating digging back into what might be going on there for you.

While I suspect my confession won't inspire confidence, I did want to at least let you know that I've seen your emails and I'm not ignoring you. I'll take a look at it and get back to you by the end of the day today, even if I haven't been able to resolve anything by then.

Hi Karl,

No problem, thanks for the update. In the mean time, I've been playing around with adding an option to have it use the ajax .load instead which takes in the URL and selector from the rel attribute. Works great in FF and Safari but not in IE--something w/my code since a plain .load with the same URL and selector works fine in IE.

With sincere apology,

Karl Swedberg

On Jan 13, 2008, at 6:13 PM, Chris Scott wrote:

A bit more info. on this: with the latest nightly build, I don't get an error any longer, but I don't get the div w/that ID either.

On Jan 11, 2008, at 10:28 AM, Chris Scott wrote:

I'm using cluetip to pull a page via ajax and want to display only a certain div from the page (using an ID selector). If I use the defautl ajaxProcess code, it works normally and pulls in the entire page into the cluetip. However, when I modify it to use .find to narrow it down using the ID selector, I get the following error: ret[i].getElementsByTagName is not a function on line 1362 of jquery-latest.js

Here's the code I'm using for ajaxProcess to grab the div by ID:

        sticky: true,
        ajaxProcess: function(data) {
                data = $(data).find("#def1");
                return data;

Here's a test page with the first link using the standard ajaxProcess code and the second using mine:

I have a feeling I'm missing something obvious but I've banged my head against it for a while and haven't made any progress. Any suggestions much appreciated.

Chris Scott
Adaptive Hosting Solutions

Chris Scott
Adaptive Hosting Solutions

Chris Scott
Adaptive Hosting Solutions

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