The problem is, I think, that the draggable plugin if used without a 
helper modifies the dragged element to position: absolute.
At that point moving it in the DOM doesn't have any visible effect, it 
simply sits where I let go of it instead of 'snapping' into
the destination cell. I've got it working with a helper though.

Scott González wrote:
> The draggable plugin only moves the element on screen (changes it's
> top and left offset), it does not natively affect the DOM in any other
> way.  The proper way to handle this is to do what you did in the drop
> callback, which is to modify the DOM yourself, but you shouldn't need
> a cloned helper to accomplish this.
> On Jan 18, 9:55 am, Kevin Thorpe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Thanks for your comments. I've just cracked it (I think). I was getting
>> the drop event ok but couldn't work out how to move the dragged div. It
>> was just sitting where I'd dropped it.
>> The secret is to use a cloned helper with $('.drag').draggable({helper:
>> 'clone'}); and then move the original draggable div using:
>>     $(".drop").droppable({
>>         accept: ".drag",
>>         tolerance: 'pointer',
>>         activeClass: 'droppable-active',
>>         hoverClass: 'droppable-hover',
>>         drop: function(ev, ui) {
>>           if (this.children.length == 0) {
>>             $(this).append(ui.draggable.element);
>>           }
>>         }
>>     });
>> I think my problem was that without a helper the draggable div is
>> converted to position: absolute so that it didn't matter which table
>> cell it was in.
>> I just wish I knew more about the DOM.

Kevin Thorpe
Head of IT
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