It looked to me like it was being positioned correctly. Also looks like you have a broken link to a rollover image for the top-level nav items. I'm guessing that the sub-menus are using position:absolute for their positioning, so you'll need to have a parent element given position:relative in order for the submenus to be positioned relative to those parent elements rather than the body element.

Hope that helps.

Karl Swedberg

On Jan 21, 2008, at 1:42 PM, Chris Jordan wrote:

Hi folks.

I'm having another problem with the jdMenu plug-in. In IE when I hover over the top-level menu the sub-menu appears in the absolute top left of the view-port! Bah! I don't know what I've done wrong. I've used jdMenu at another client of mine, and it works great in both FF and IE. This time around however, I *am* customizing the css file quite a bit to better suit my needs.

The problem can be seen here.

This is causing me much aggravation, and more time at this one particular client that I should really be spending.

I would *really* appreciate anyone's help on this problem. Of course, I'll keep working on finding a solution, but if someone knows what I'm going through, or can offer suggestions, that'd be great.




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