Hi Chris,

Sorry, I was looking in Firefox. I see now that the problem exists in IE only. It might have something to do with the fact that the page is running in quirks mode and that the markup is invalid. Try running it through an HTML validator (e.g. http://validator.w3.org/). In particular, you have two extra DOCTYPE declarations throughout the page. And if you want to stick with HTML 4.01 transitional, replace this ...

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

with this ...

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"

If cleaning up the HTML doesn't help, we can look at some other stuff. In the meantime, I'll poke around the plugin code and the stylesheets a bit to see how the positioning is being done.

Karl Swedberg

On Jan 21, 2008, at 4:08 PM, Chris Jordan wrote:

You said it was positioning correctly for you? What version of IE was that in? For me, in IE6 it shows up in the top left (0,0) of the view port... it's supposed to show just below the top-level menu choice.

Also, I know there are broken images. Ignore those and look mostly at the ones that do have images. I'm still waiting on my graphic artist guy to get me the rest of the images. I also don't see anywhere (unless I'm just missing it) where the sub-menus are being positioned. You can check out all the css if you have the Web Developer extension for FF.

Thanks again,

On Jan 21, 2008 1:01 PM, Chris Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: going to lunch. I'd like to exchange emails with you about this. I'll be back in about an hour or so. Thanks so much Karl.


On Jan 21, 2008 12:52 PM, Karl Swedberg < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: It looked to me like it was being positioned correctly. Also looks like you have a broken link to a rollover image for the top-level nav items. I'm guessing that the sub-menus are using position:absolute for their positioning, so you'll need to have a parent element given position:relative in order for the submenus to be positioned relative to those parent elements rather than the body element.

Hope that helps.

Karl Swedberg

On Jan 21, 2008, at 1:42 PM, Chris Jordan wrote:

Hi folks.

I'm having another problem with the jdMenu plug-in. In IE when I hover over the top-level menu the sub-menu appears in the absolute top left of the view-port! Bah! I don't know what I've done wrong. I've used jdMenu at another client of mine, and it works great in both FF and IE. This time around however, I *am* customizing the css file quite a bit to better suit my needs.

The problem can be seen here.

This is causing me much aggravation, and more time at this one particular client that I should really be spending.

I would *really* appreciate anyone's help on this problem. Of course, I'll keep working on finding a solution, but if someone knows what I'm going through, or can offer suggestions, that'd be great.






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