Thank for reply Mika.

Try to explain my issue. I have x number of select input type,
generated from a db query.

With an ajax call I print the select fields into the page, without
page reload obviously.

Now i wanna use your plugin to edit this select fields but I can't set
the data options with the right values. The Json string is:

"selectmessage": {
select_1: [ "{'1':'Laminato', '2':'Cotto', '3':'Parquet',
'5':'Granito', '6':'Cemento', '7':'Terracotta' }" ] ,
select_2: [ "{'8':'Stile Moderno', '9':'Stile Rustico', '10':'Stile
Barocco', '11':'Stile Country', '12':'Stile Classico' }" ] ,
select_18: [ "{'13':'Angela', '14':'Donato' }" ] }

This code is to generate the data values dinamically

and { message: "<span id="select_1">My selected value</span>"  }
[...] This code is to generate the select input fields

I don't know how to pass the right data value to the right select

tooltip   : "<?=$this->lang->line('clickToEdit')?>",
name      : "newvalue",
id  : "elementid",
data     : data.selectmessage.select_1[0] ? ????

I wanna change select_1 with the right value, with the id select in
which i put my mouse. Understand?

I know It's not clear in english... ahhrrgg please help me! I know
this is so simple for you... but not for me....

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