Hi everyone,

Wanted to let you know that I released a new version (0.9.5) of the clueTip plugin at http://plugins.jquery.com/project/cluetip/

Here is a list of the changes since the last release:

* added clickThrough option to allow click to go to page, even if href and tipAttribute are equal.
* added experimental mouse tracking option
* added simple/experimental delayedClose option to allow auto-closing of clueTip after given number of milliseconds. * added "focus" as an available value for "activation" option. Will show clueTip on focus of a form element, hide on blur. * added support for bgiframe plugin. When the bgiframe plugin is referenced in the docuement, clueTip will use it (in IE6).
* cleaned up default ajaxProcess option.
* provided public access to all default plugin settings (thanks malsup!)
* fixed bug (reported at http://jquery.com/plugins/node/941) when splitTitle is used and title attribute is empty
* fixed bug where a variable was improperly nested in an if statement
* fixed bug with incorrectly disabling link when no href is present in invoking element * fixed annoyance (reported at http://plugins.jquery.com/node/1081): default title attributes showing before cluetip when using long interval in hoverIntent. * fixed bug where hoverIntent's timeout setting wasn't working with mouseoutClose when user moused out of the clueTip * fixed problem with setting width option to "auto". Now, non-number widths such as 'auto' default to 275px. * fixed bug with activation by click where it wouldn't show clueTip under certain circumstances

One thing I'm not sure about is how I'm stripping out certain elements from ajaxed files before displaying the contents in a tooltip. Here is what I'm doing (it looks pretty ugly):

    // process data retrieved via xhr before it's displayed
    ajaxProcess:      function(data) {
                         data = 
data.replace(/<s(cript|tyle)(.|\s)*?\/s(cript|tyle)>/g, '')
                         return data;

If anyone has a suggestion for how to deal with this better, I'd love some help.


Karl Swedberg

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