Gorkfu wrote:

: Thanks, Charles this code helps a lot. I understand how it works.

    You're welcome.

: However its giving me one parse error with the line with a single
: double quote as showen below. Is it possible to combine the 2 lines
: below or escape the double quote?
: --- Code ---
: extrafield += ' value="<?php echo $listcreate->' + padded_counter;
: extrafield += '->EditValue ?>"></td></tr>';

    I only added the extra "+=" statements to avoid line wrapping
in the email. You could expand it all back out to how you had it or
like this.

extrafield += ' value="<?php echo $listcreate->' + padded_counter +
'->EditValue ?>"></td></tr>';

    But I don't know why there is a parse error on the double quotes.
You might have picked up a stray character in the copy and paste
from the email. Run your code through a lint program. I use this one
for javascript: http://www.javascriptlint.com/

: I'm not familiar with escaping in javascript like in php, thanks.

    The escape character for javascript is the backslash (\). I
looked it up a few days ago as I am spoiled by Perl and it's boatload
of quoting operators. Javascript quoting is lie going back to
Commodore BASIC. :(

extrafield += ' value=\"<?php echo $listcreate->' + padded_counter;
extrafield += '->EditValue ?>\"></td></tr>';


Charles K. Clarkson
Mobile Homes Specialist
Free Market Advocate
Web Programmer

254 968-8328


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