The reason why I don't want anyone adding more than 250 fields is
because if they were to go over that amount, 251 and so on would not
get entered into the mysql db. I know some people will probablly be
thinking, why would I have such a large table? Well I don't really
want to go into that and that would be going off topic, lol.

Well here's how I have the code:

--- code ---

        (function($) {

            // Add repeat method to String object
            String.prototype.repeat = function(n){
                return new Array(n + 1).join(this);

            // Add leading_zeros method to jQuery
            $.leading_zeros = function(n, total_digits){
                n = n.toString();
                return '0'.repeat(total_digits - n.length) + n;



            // initialize the counter
            var counter = 10;


                // increment and pad the counter
                var padded_counter = $.leading_zeros(++counter, 3);

                // create the new field
                var extrafield = '<tr><td>List Item #' +
padded_counter + '</td><td>';
                extrafield += '<input type="text" name="x_c' +
padded_counter + '"' ;
                extrafield += ' id="x_c' + padded_counter + '"' ;
                extrafield += ' title="" size="30" maxlength="255"' ;
                extrafield += ' value="" </td></tr>';

                // add the new field to the table

--- code ---

Checking the value after each increment sounds like a good approach.

>     Two possibilities come to mind. Create an object that checks
> itself as it changes or just check the value after each increment.
> I tend to lean toward objects, but they tend to take more time to
> write. Knowing the context of the limitation (or cap) would help a
> lot.
> HTH,
> Charles K. Clarkson
> --
> Mobile Homes Specialist
> Free Market Advocate
> Web Programmer
> 254 968-8328

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